Every day, we deliver to customers across the world, ensuring that we provide the highest levels of responsiveness to you at all times.
After your order has been successfully placed, you will receive an Order Acknowledgement email to confirm your order details. Once your item ships, you will receive a Shipment Confirmation email including your order number, the carrier's information, the date and time the order was placed, the status of the order, and package tracking numbers for items that have shipped. You can track your items on the carrier's official website 24 hours a day.
During the promotion, free shipping(FedEx) for orders over $1。
Shipping internationally does mean that you may be required to pay customs and import taxes. All international customers are responsible for the customs rates within their own country. For further information, we recommend contacting your local customs office.
1. Please verify you have the correct shipping address on your order PRIOR to making payment as this is the address we will ship to.
2. When encountering force majeure, the processing of orders will be delayed. Nevertheless, it is ensured that your order will be processed in a fast manner.
3. We take every reasonable precaution to ensure that products are not damaged, If the item is damaged in transit, please immediately contact us at within 3 business days after receiving shipping.
4. Please note, that international shipping services do vary from country to country. To find out the exact services that are available, please put in your full address on the checkout page.
Our delivery range covers most countries or regions, but not every area is available. Here's a list of which services you can use where.
Shipping Cost: